N.B: If you click on one of the images, it will pop up in a larger zoomed in display for you.

The Fix link text wizard provides you with "link text" errors for the course and suggests alternatives, based on the retrieved title of the URL to help fix them quickly, but this can also be customised. Links should be descriptive of the content they're linking to, such as "Project Jude guidelines" rather than "guidelines.html" or "Click here". The existing link text errors are listed with a “Submit Bulk Fixing” button, which will then update all the link text errors on that current page.

All fixes applied through this wizard can be reverted with the Bulk fix log. All errors hidden through this wizard are located in Exception Management.

This Fix link text wizard deals with URLs which have been reported for using incorrect link text, either using a known bad phrase for a link, such as “Click here”, which gives no context, OR for using the actual URL itself, which creates a bad experience for users which need to listen to the URL instead of viewing it.

Please note that link changes need a degree of teacher oversight / engagement. However, we do automated retrieval of the website’s own title, and provide it as a suggested text in the “Update to” input field. Hence the teacher needs to review and edit each link’s “Update to” input field, as plain text, which will then be used to update the link text in its content location.

Viewing the Fix link text wizard

The Fix link text wizard can be accessed via:

  • Course actions menu > Brickfield Accessibility+ toolkit > Go to wizards > Fix link text
  • Accessibility+ Review block > View Accessibility+ report (Chart icon) > Go to wizards > Fix link text
  • The "Fix" link that's available for the "Link text should be descriptive and provide context about its destination" check in the Check list report.
The Fix link text wizard of the Accessibility+ Toolkit

The Fix link text wizard displays the following details for each error:

  • Name: the activity type and name.
  • Course: the courses shortname in which the error resides.
  • Existing HTML code: the full HTML code.
  • Update to: the the full HTML code if the fix is applied, this will use the links page title.
  • Hide: checkbox to hide the error when processed


URLs which have been reported for using incorrect link text, either using a known bad phrase for a link, such as “Click here”, which gives no context, OR for using the actual URL itself, which creates a bad experience for users which need to listen to the URL instead of viewing it.

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