N.B: If you click on one of the images, it will pop up in a larger zoomed in display for you.

As teachers, admins or managers, users are able to hide certain errors, in the bulk fix wizards, as acceptable exceptions to the accessibility check rules, for instance, marking long DNA sequences as an acceptable long all caps sequence of characters.

These hidden errors are then listed in the Exception Management wizard for users with relevant capabilities to view and monitor. These specific errors will no longer be displayed within the bulk fix wizards or reports unless they are unhidden.

The Exception Management wizard

The Exception management wizard

The Exception Management wizard displays the following for each record:

  • Resource name: the activity name.
  • Course name: the course name.
  • Failed: the check the error failed on.
  • HTML code: the full original HTML code.
  • Actions: Unhide button to restore the error.

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